good + bad + they are relative (daily hot! quote)
Tagged: bad, good, names, perception, ralph waldo emerson, Religion, right, self-reliance, Spirituality, wrong
View Articlewhat aspects of your humanity do you nurture? (daily hot! quote)
“Embrace it all: the hatred, the kindness, the right and wrong, the bitter and sweet. They are the ingredients of an affluent life. Cultivate a healthy relationship with every aspect of your humanity...
View Articlehow wise are you really? (daily hot! quote)
“It’s not about turning dark into light, wrong into right, or transforming bad into good. Polarizing to either side creates duality and suffering. It’s not about balancing either, or acceptance. It is...
View Articlewhat are you looking at? (daily hot! quote)
"Every human being has superior and inferior qualities, thoughts, and behaviors, whether they get expressed or not. The most prevalent qualities are those that get the most focus. Which ones are you...
View Articlethe most important person to be kind to (daily hot! quote)
"The harshest critic is our internal dialog. When we are unkind to ourselves, it is impossible to be genuine and kind to others." -Amy Larson,
View Articleare you for or against your own understanding? (daily hot! quote)
“Only when unification of light and dark, good and bad, the seen and unseen occurs in the mind can there ever be entire understanding.” -Amy Larson, Tagged: bad, dark, good, light,...
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